DAC Women’s Ministry, exists to help women become full-grown followers of Christ so they can brag on Jesus in everything they do (Acts 1:8). It is our desire that every woman who attends DAC will find fellowship and friendship while understanding and using their gifts to build up the body of Christ. It is our desire that all women at DAC: know God deeply through the study of His Word (2 Peter 3:18), be equipped to teach other women in their walk with God (Titus 2:3-5), use their gifts in the Body to minister to our sisters in the body and in the community (1 Corinthians 12:18-20), and build awareness of and support the International Work of the C&MA.
regular women’s ministries
We encourage women to participate in the study of the Word in various women’s LifeGroups and Bible studies that are held throughout the week.
Sisterhood is a multigenerational ministry to younger women, with and without children. It is for fellowship and support. We also need older women who want to support and love on younger women to come! If you have children please bring them along! It is a playgroup style. We meet twice a month at various places, some mornings and some afternoons.
annual events
Annual events such as the ornament party held in November, the annual women’s retreat at Lake Swan Camp in March and our annual ladies’ tea the last saturday in April. Check our church calendar to see the date of our next annual event!
We welcome and encourage you to join this ministry as you feel led by God. Please email women@bragonjesus.org to discuss your role.
DAC women’s ministry brochures are available at the table in the foyer at both campuses. Women’s life groups are included on the lifegroups page here on the church website. DAC women’s leadership team are happy to assist you to find a group that works for you.
DAC women have an information table in the lobby at Deltona and Deland. All events are advertised several weeks in advance in the bulletin, announcements, special invites cards given out by the women’s leadership team and our Facebook page.
Yes, childcare is provided for events as needed by our fully vetted childcare team. Each event sign-up will have a space to put childcare needs whether online or in the foyer. This will help us plan accordingly.
more questions?
more questions?
email pam soler
Women’s Ministries Director